Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sybella Signed today for the first time!!!

I'm so happy today!!! I know its been a bit since my last post. And I have others that I should write first. But I just have to tell everyone that Sybella did her first sign language today!!!!! She signed to me and actually told me what she wanted!!!
I have been trying it with her since she was 3 months old. Going over about 11 signs daily (I didn't want to overwhelm her because I hadn't seen any progress.) The signs we do are Milk or (bottle), bed, bath, cheerios, cheese, teddy bear, blanket, book, daddy, no, & finished.
Well I would have given up if it wasn't for habit. I also enjoyed the connection with her while doing it. A way to talk to her and play with her. But I really didn't think anything would come from it. I figured because I'm not with her while I'm at work that maybe it isn't enough with me just doing it a few hours a day and on weekends. I know she knows what some of them mean. When I do the sign for cheerios or bottle she grunts like "give it to me." or smiles. When I say "Its time for bed." and I do the sign for it, she crys sometimes.
Well this morning I was feeding her baby food in her highchair, and she kept doing an action with her hands in between spoonfuls. I just thought she was waving, so I waved back to her. But she continued to do it. Then finally it clicked!!! She was doing it slower than her normal wave and it was an inside wave, more like opening and closing a fist. So I said "Bells do you want a bottle, a baba?" And she smiled and grunted. Immediately I excitedly started making her a bottle and repeating the sign. Once made I said bottle, signed the word, and gave it to her. She was content and happy like "Yes, this is what I wanted mom." Oh I'm just so happy!!! My smart baby :D Just goes to show, that you don't have to be a stay at home mom to teach your kids things and grow a connection :):):) I love my BellaRoo!!! Today is a great day!

Sincerely, Happy Mama Kiera :)

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